Flow Launch.
Emerging Ecommerce Brand Adds 10% Sales In 60 Days.
A fully built out email channel includes more than 10 separate flows and around 35 emails. I'll fix your flows in 60 days, revamping your current flows where needed, creating A/B tests on critical flows, adding touchpoints where it's working well and setting up the emails you are almost certainly missing.
Let's Work Together!
Finally, Fix Your Flows!
I’ve spoken to hundreds of ecommerce brands and 95% of the time they want to either build out their flows, refresh their flows, or check and see if their flows are set up properly. Is that true for you?

After helping over 100 brands, generating over $150 million in email Revenue, I've found that they are absolute right to want to fix their flows. It is the single fastest and easiest thing you can do to boost sales by 10%.

Most of the Founders and Marketing Managers that I speak to, even after working with other agencies or freelancer, have only a handful of flows they need. From the flows they have, they are usually missing touchpoints, and they almost always lack any strategic thinking. Their flows are just copy-paste of everyone else's.

Am I on the right track?

This is because nost agencies and freelancers know only the basics of what email can do.

That’s why I've created Flow Launch.

We won’t manage your email channel, run campaigns for you, and we can’t help you migrate your email platform, but we can dial in your flows specifically for your brand. Helping you figure out what moves the needle to turn prospects into customers and how to get customers to buy again.



What you can expect when I fix your flows.
  • Detailed Flow Analysis
    Everything starts with a detailed analysis of your existing flows. I'll help you see what you currently have in place. I'll see what you're missing and what's working and what's not.
  • 30+ Email Touchpoints
    I'll create 30+ emails for you! After reviewing your existing flows, I'll revamp emails that need it, create A/B tests on critical flows, add touchpoints where it's working, and set up emails you are missing.
  • Gateway Product Analysis
    This analysis helps you understand which products are the most profitable and most likely to lead to a repeat purchases.

    I'll use the outcome of that analysis as the basis for carefully crafted Welcome and Post Purchase flows. This will help you dial in a first purchase and get a second purchase quickly.
  • A/B Testing
    I'll create A/B tests on critical flows. These test will help you figure out what offers work the best, what kind of messaging works well, and the best timing.
  • Non-Subscriber Welcome Analysis
    The non-subscriber welcome is a type of site abandonment flow that goes to site visitors who have not subscribed to your emails. It can be a powerful way to grow your list fast.

    I'll run an analysis that will help you see if this is right for you. If it makes sense, I'll design emails specifically for it and help you get it set up.
You've been wanting to get your flows fixed for far too long.

No long term contracts, no strings, no complex upsells, cross sells, or diagonal sells. I've spoken to so many companies and they all want to finally get their flows delivering the results they should be.

While there are more than the 10 flows that I start with, most of the time, the core ten flows are enough to capture 90% of the sales that you are going to get. I love email and having happy clients who have happy flows.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to finally fix your flows?
Book a call, let's get to it.